A Quick YouCubed Plug

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The last thing anyone wants to see are the back-to-school commercials that create back-to-work anxiety.  Nor do we want have to start thinking about our classrooms that will begin in 5 weeks, give or take, but whose kidding whom? We all do and the thoughts are hard to stop!

I just want to take a few moments of your time to think about joining, if you haven’t already, the Jo Boaler mathematics website called YouCubed. It is an amazing way to be51E6t49pzEL._SX399_BO1,204,203,200_gin your school year, especially when you are developing mathematical mindsets and collaborative learning within your space.

Check out the “Week of Inspirational Maths” and spend a bit of time reading some of her articles and the inspirational maths lesson plans so you feel confident about your first few weeks of math within your classroom. Try the math questions out with your family members or friends this summer and look at the many different ways to solve problems. There are so many great resources that need your attention!

Happy August to all of you and savour the relaxation moments while learning a little along the way.

Yours in learning,
